Friday, November 19, 2010

And the NEW.

While I have spent a couple of days at the new client, today was really my "landing day" - I'll be fully committed to them from here on out. And it was a GOOD day - I achieved everything I set out to do, and honestly, while it feels like a huge project, I feel really good about being able to help them get across the finish line.

This is an Epic project, and a lot of them were onsite this week to help with building the system... So I got to meet some of them.

One asked, somewhat shyly, if I was "the guy who blogged about Epic?". I confessed I was, and she lit up - "I KNEW it! We heard a new guy was coming in from Cleveland, and we all thought it was probably you!". It was quite the brush with celebrity... ;->

I can already tell that the team is just dynamite. I'm going to enjoy this gig... REALLY!

And not just because it's 5 minutes from Uncle Franky's.

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