Friday, August 03, 2007

How can it be Friday already?

Good evening. Another week has passed by with me only vaguely being aware of it! Actually, so much happened....

The biggest news which has everyone on edge is the bridge collapse. We didn't know anyone directly impacted, though two people in the family had been nearly on that stretch of road within a half hour of the event - one missed a bus, the other left work late. So something was keeping people away from the area....

In non-tragic news, we had a GREAT week at work: The new system arrived, we got it configured and workstations started to roll out: Even though we're not going live until next week, we were able to use one of the workstations to help diagnose a case (reviewing a prior study that couldn't be read by any other computer)... There's been a lot of work to do, but I get to be hands-on, and I'll be working with the docs a lot from here on out... which you know I like.

We had guests this week: Pamela's cousin Rachel and her son Justice, who is almost exactly Bella's age. The two got along pretty well all week, though they were frequently on different energy frequencies. Still, movies and legos proved the universal solvent, and great fun was had by all. And it was wonderful to see Rachel. She showed us tons of pictures of archaelogical digs she's participated in: Turns out sometimes people start building a strip mall, and the road grader finds bones, and they have to call in the emergency archaeologists, to tag and excavate the site, and move it all out, so they can keep building that strip mall. The pictures were supermegacool.

Isaac Update! He has finally turned a corner: He prefers walking now to crawling. Sometime yesterday, the scales tipped, and he decided that walking WAS more efficient, so now it's closer to 70/30 walk/crawl. And he is so proud. He'd be happy too if there wasn't a massive pollen bloom causing him to stuff up, and another tooth starting to push through (leading to crying, and massive drooling).

Workout Update! Yes, I've still been exercising, just not telling you people about it. But my tireless efforts to get people at the 6am Tuesday class have been paying off: We're regularly around 10 people, which earned us a second class: Thursday at 6am. So I will finally be able to do two classes a week in the early morning, because truth be told, with Isaac and Bella, I've had a hard time justifying taking off after work for exercise - I just want to go home and see my family.

This weekend will be another slightly busy one: We have the Block Party on Saturday (which we are only attending - we don't need to DO anything!), and a progressive dinner on Sunday. So actually, it'll be busy with eating and conversation. I think I can handle THAT!!!!

More as it happens. Oh yes, I have been updating over at Language Addict, if you want to take a peek. Do Zaftra.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Two stories: Nan's express bus cleared the bridge 10 minutes before. These days we just shrug, "Guess it wasn't my time."
A bicycler on the river road was flattened by chunks - but lived with broken leg, collarbone and wrist. She was x-rayed and casted up and - SENT HOME to a 5 floor walk-up apt. Her dog needed to be walked.... Some days you just get a mess of trouble to deal with - she's dealing. Peace, me beauties.