Sunday, August 22, 2010

And we're back...

Another summer trip up north is done, we're back, and I'm headed back out east Monday AM. A few notes:

1) Zinsser spent the week at the Pampered Pooch Playground, where he was cared for well: And we know it because they offer webcams, so a few times a day we'd log in and see him running around with other dogs, having a great time. He seems to have made friends with a sheltie. Not sure if that breed is a good influence, however... ;-> Anyway, the dog is back and has been a limp noodle ever since - we've heard this - they play so much that getting back with the family they tend to sleep for a few days. Bella is happy because Zinnie is zonked out next to her in bed.

2) Do you know about SillyBands? These are shaped rubber bands that the kids are going nuts for. We first learned of them by getting some off brand generic versions from our aunt earlier this summer, but the "official" sillybands are what the kids crave. There was a lot of SillyBand collecting and trading going on at the resort this year... and much of it was responsible, but some people who shall be unnamed pulled the "this is a rare one - it'll cost you 3 bands to get it in trade" gambit, which us parents shut down good and fast. Even Isaac got into it, with a pack of Marvel Superhero bands. Of course, they're OUTLINES of the superheroes, so Isaac keeps forgetting which is which. I've printed a handy guide with pictures of the real heroes the outlines represent, to help Pamela in my geeky absence.

2a) Isaac took Superheroes as a new "conversational gambit" - "say dad, do you like Superheroes? Who is your favorite? Mine is SPIDERMAN. Do you like IRON MAN? Me too! He's my favorite, along with Spiderman of course! ". Take 2: "Dad, you know who I like? IRON MAN. Do you like IRON MAN? He's my second favorite. You know who my favorite is? SPIDER MAN." Take 3... Take 4.... by take 5, I was laughing so hard I couldn't even participate.

But later that day, I heard him using the "Superhero Conversation Starters" with two other boys... and he sounded like a real pro.

3) In a way, the trip was sort of bittersweet, because it cast into relief just how divergent Bella's interests have become from Jenny's - they played a good amount, but Jenny also spent time with older kids leaving Bella behind a bit. We had some extra cuddles to give her, but she was definitely feeling a bit sad.... In better news, we learned that Bella loves to fish - the patience and attention to detail was right up her alley. One thing everyone could agree on was that Swimming Is Awesome. Bella and Isaac swam for at least 3 hours every day, and more if they could swing it. It was wonderful.

4) I actually stayed away from work for the week, more or less. I was largely successful, but I got waylaid by an email mid-week, in which a co-worker at my company (not Cleveland) decided to take me to task on one of my decisions, in a rather condescending way... I lost a night's sleep, then fired back a double barrel email, which I have yet to hear back on. It was really not anything that needed to intrude on my vacation, and it really ticked me off... So somehow I'll need to follow this up this week... Good times...

5) Time for bed - the Cab is coming at 5:30. My Jag is still in the shop - the extended warranty is definitely paying for itself - they have found a few things that need to be addressed, and the parts need to be flown they're at 9 days with my car and counting. They did give me a NEW Jaguar XF to drive for the first couple of days, but then we went up north, and now I'm headed back to Cleveland... so I'm not really inconvenienced. And hey, if they fix the electrical fault that was causing the car alarm to go off randomly, more's the better.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Yes, I know about Sillybandz - they are all over my house! :( Roll on next fad.