Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Around 2pm today, I started falling down down down with a mild headache, the sneezes, and an impossibly runny nose. Emergency medicine applied, I made it through meetings and back to the hotel for a nap...

A bowl of hot Pho made me feel a little better, but now it's time for bed. I have a busy day tomorrow, and this cold needs to speed its way through. Water Water Water!!!

Update: Wed AM - took my morning meetings via conference call in the hotel, but am tentatively feeling better. The sore throat has not emerged, and the head doesn't hurt. I'm just a sniffle factory. I'm out in the world now. Starbucks has better wifi than the hotel today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Watch for the fire-y throat - if that comes you have a flu. Hope it's just a mild case brought on by the innoculations. Be well.