Saturday, January 07, 2006

Ghosts of Gear Past

As we were scanning pictures from Grandma K's history, I came across some old pics from my life too... and this one stopped me COLD. Some may know that I was once the king of the Gear Junkies - I got into collecting old synthesizers in 1990, about the time that a LOT of people were unloading their beautiful synths to get the latest digital beasts from Korg, Roland, and Yamaha.

In this picture from 1993, you can see my TWO PPG Wave 2.3s, and the PRKFD keyboard. Not shown is the Waveterm B "brain". Also in the picture is the Rhodes Chroma that I got for $200 in perfect working order, and a Roland Jupiter 8. Cropped out was a Linndrum.

Around this time, the studio also had visits from... a Yamaha TX816 (8 DX7s in an austere black box), a MemoryMoog (nicknamed "Dr Voltage"), an Arp Odyssey, A Simmons SDS7.

The CABLES were a complete snake pit - there were at least 3 and upwards of 12 cables attached to each unit of the studio (power, MIDI, audio) - the snarls were the stuff of legend. I was uniquely blessed by an absence of ground loops, so my music didn't suffer from hummmmmmm.

Compare and contrast with my current studio... a Mac G5 and a Yamaha ES7, One cable. Bliss.

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