Sunday, February 11, 2007

God's Neighborhood

Tonight Pamela was putting Bella down, and read a book called "Old Turtle", which involves talk about God. Now, I'm a registered agnostic, and Pamela's a Unitarian, so we don't have a whole lot of literature about the Big G around, but are prepared to treat the subject respectfully.

Bella asked "what's God?" at the end of the story. Pamela gave a good UU talk about how people have different ideas, but that in general, it's a warm spirit that unites us all and helps give us strength (which sound a little like "The Force" from Star Wars, minus the Midiclorian aspect they tried to shoehorn into Episode I which totally ruined the whole concept by introducing a biological aspect. But I digress.)

Bella said - "No, I think God is a people. He just lives in a different neighborhood".
Pamela asked what neighborhood?

"I don't know - China, or Milwaukee or something. What does Milwaukee look like, anyhow?"

I think that we may have a prophet on our hands.

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