Sunday, February 18, 2007

The real story of the Dinosaurs

This evening, we were reading a pop-up book about Dinosaurs for bedtime. At the end, Bella asked me about what happened to the dinosaurs. I gave her the unvarnished truth about the asteroid, and the climate change, and how reptiles can't regulate their body temperatures, but how mammals survived... I like to give the whole story.

She offered her own opinion, and here it is:

"Space creatures came down with spaceships and took the dinosaurs before they all froze to death. They had REALLY BIG spaceships, with holes in the roof so that their heads could pop through. And it was space creatures, NOT the dinosaurs who made the spaceships."

So why did they take the dinosaurs, I asked?

"They took them to play with them. They play with the dinosaurs every day from morning to night, and they never have to go to bed if they don't want to. And sometimes, they go to the Burrito Spaceship. That's where all the burritos are made."

So, at this point, I don't think that her theory is in conflict with accepted theories of dinosaur extinction. There's no reason that our fossil record wouldn't be of stragglers, while a lot of the dinosaurs are living it up out in space.

I don't know where this kid is getting her ideas, but my job is clear: Listen, record, and share.

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