Saturday, February 03, 2007

Not RSV related

It has yet to break 0 degrees Fahrenheit out today - it's a cold one. But in spite of it, Bella and I bundled up to go work out to Body Jam this afternoon. It's very fun to bring her... but I've been puzzled: The first time we went, she was very serious about learning the dance moves and really trying to do them all. She's come 3 more times, and each time, she's sort of hung toward the back, or gone off to the side to play with the workout mats.

Today, I finally figured it out: She asked where the BOY instructor was - our first time, Alan was teaching, and she followed his instructions to the letter. Every other time, it has been Maddie, a 16 year old dancer (and daughter of the studio owner). I'm not sure why that would make a difference... but she mentioned it, and it may be a key...

Afterward we had a bite at Patrick's, where the girl who won't eat eggs or vegetables will wolf down a spinach quiche with abandon. Then off to the Hub Hobby center to get model glue for me to build a robot for Isaac's room. (and a horsie for Bella, natch).

Now, as you know, I've built a LOT of robots in my day - I love the Bandai Gundam series, but once you've built one or two (or eight), they're all pretty much the exact same robot. Hub was blowing out their robots for half price, so I got something that had a somewhat mysterious picture on the front - it looked like a bright, dynamic robot with a drill arm.

Having assembled it, I must say that the cover was faulty advertising at best. It's maybe the dumbest looking robot I've ever had in my house. I'm torn about whether it will be staying. Dumb robot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh good, they're fixed. Thank you! Hope the morning brings a brighter day for you all. Peace and healing.