Sunday, December 16, 2007

Kwick Kindle Update

I've devoured three and a half books on my Kindle so far, while still enjoying my daily NYT. It is still getting daily use, so I'm calling this thing a success in my home.

Apparently for all the naysaying, Amazon has seriously sold out of them, and they're going for over $800 on eBay, so if I was unhappy, I could cash out easily... but I'm not unhappy in the least.

My only regret is that I have four deadtree editions I've got for gifts recently that will be next in line... I can't quite see re-buying them in Kindle editions... that would be crazy. CraziER than I'm usually comfortable with, I guess.

Did I mention that Pamela's back? I'm just so happy to see her smile, to hear her padding about the house - I was missing my friend.

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