Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It always takes time

One lesson I seem to never actually learn: GOOD blueberry pie is a rare thing indeed, and the pleasures of a good slice are so far outweighed by the sheer horribleness of a blah slice that the risk/reward ratio dictates I should never order it, much less buy an entire PIE of it.

But still, I sometimes buy that pie. And I am usually disappointed. As I was tonight. OH WRETCHED PIE!!!!! You make my stomach queasy and my teeth feel like they're fitting to fall clear out.

Ok, Pie Rant Over.

Isaac's chest cold persists, but you can hear him getting better and better... it's a slow journey, however. We've had to give him nebulizers daily to help with the baseline wheeze, but the rattle and rumble of loose phlegm makes him sound vaguely like a truck with a metal floor driving up a bumpy road with a load of unsecured bowling balls inside. Then one fruity "productive cough", and he's fine. I'm considering hanging him upside down to let it all run out... but I think that's perhaps some medieval barber-style thinking. I'll bring out the leeches next, I suppose.

But lest anyone be too worried: His spirits are high, he is as active as EVER, and this cough doesn't seem to be slowing him down, and he seems to be on the upside of the mend.

As if that wasn't enough, he's had 3 molars cut through and the 4th is swollen, red, and ready to pop through... But does he complain? No. Not so much. Unless when he's saying "DIS!!! DIIIIISSSS!!!!!" he means something other than we take it to mean.

Pamela has been cooking delicious meals every night, and it's making my belly very happy. There's a "make, take and bake" place called Sociale up the road, and every dish has been great. Unlike the one we tried before (Let's Dish) the portions are smaller (2-3 people), and the flavors a bit more adventurous. So we open up a "kit" and cook up the pre-measured and pre-marinaded items... and it's pretty reasonable - $4-6 per person per entree.

We have figured out that when we DO cook a recipe, it tends to cost us well over $15/person because the recipe invariably calls for some spice (Cordimander?) we don't own, and we overbuy on the ingredients.... So this will help train us on what is actually needed for a meal.

A quick Bella Funny: As you know, she has a tendency to attach to a random animal. This morning at 6:45, she had Pamela and I up to help her find her "Bulldog", a stuffed animal I could not remember in any way. We tore apart her room as she was in sleepy girl tears... Until she finally remembered where it was: Zipped into a mini suitcase stuffed under the treadmill in our room. Of COURSE.

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