Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tales of the Conference

The limo rides ended... one of my co-VPs had a comment that resonated about the experience of doing limo rides all day treating people to Dom Perignon: "I have champagne evenly distributed through all parts of my digestive tract right now, and it does not feel good". I will agree with that.

The Oceanaire party was an absolute blast... it was all networking with key clients, but very fun. Afterward, I had every intention of going out, but accidentally fell asleep. Which was a good thing.

The BOOTH started up Monday and continued today: We've got a massive area (at least 30x40) with several sitting areas, 3 different kiosks, 2 giant projectors... it's the business. Our goals are twofold: 1) recruit people, and 2) touch base with the potential clients who may not have made it to either the limo rides or the Oceanaire party. Secret Objective 3 is to avoid at all costs the OTHER VENDORS at the conference who wander around looking for "strategic partnerships", which never ever works.

We had an incentive for people to come to the booth: Over 150 people were sent coupons for a free bottle of Dom Perignon... and when they do, we swoop. And there actually were a few very good leads generated through this.

In general, each of us VPs is hoped to get 3-5 total people we could call back on from the whole conference. And we're hoped to get 3-4 good recruits for hiring. So far, we're definitely on track to double that, which is wonderful.

After the conference (6 hours of standing, yes.) we sponsored THE big party for Monday - the big party for the industry's most scandalous "anonymous blogger" Mister HISTALK. Over 400 people showed up, and it was a killer schmoozefest. After all that, I again ALMOST went out with the gang for team building activity, but again fell prey to the SLEEPING.

Today was another long booth day (another 6 hours of foot time), and things got livened up when we ran a 2 hour "free champagne and chocolate covered strawberries" event. No the champagne was NOT dom in this case. But it drew a LOT of foot traffic - and even a lot of competitors, who we welcomed in with a friendly face.

More receptions followed in the evening - two next to eachother, one was hopping, one was pretty sparse - so I did my time in the sparse one, where I was warmly greeted by the sponsors. They're a publisher, and had their latest issue on the tables - and the "cover star" was also in attendance. So naturally I RAN over to that guy with the magazine and forced someone to take our picture, and to get his autograph. In the small gathering, this created a bit of a stir...

I was all set to capitalize on the attention when a presentation started... and after 10 minutes of this man speaking (the speech was about how he came to be in his current job - and at 10 minutes, we were at age 8), I had to escape somehow.... out the loudest doors ever made.

More "Team Building" tonight, this time to a dueling piano bar (I think) - the gals on the team are real suckers for opportunities to sing at the top of their drunken lungs, and who am I to stand in their way... even if I do have a meeting to attend at 7am?

So the general update: This is a good conference, I'm having fun, but I also need to mention the following:

1) My feet hurt.
2) I'm exhausted.
3) I miss my family
4) I cannot wait to be home.

I've talked a few times each day to home, and fortunately Pamela has had Bam there until tonight, to help cover... but for the next 48 hours, she's on her own. I will owe her big time, and will totally take full nights for a few... My work here is hard, but I know she's keeping it all going at home, which means we're BOTH burning the candle at both ends. Wish us luck!

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