Saturday, February 16, 2008


Ah, optimism. My last update was from Wednesday. On Thursday AM, we got called from Isaac's school - his cough was sounding pretty bad to them. So Pamela got him and ran him over to the doctor, and we learned that we're the proud parents of a full blown asthmatic. We're now giving him 6 nebulizers a day - 4 albuterol, 2 cortisone. Once he clears up, we'll go down to just 1 a day, but we're in "yellow mode" now.

How I passed on my little lung issue to non-biological offspring is a great mystery to me.

But he's a little trouper: He's figured out that the nebulizer (cleverly disguised as a penguin actually) is his friend, and he points to it and asks for "MORE" when it's time for his next dose. So we're on day 3 of Yellow Protocol and it does sound like things are getting better... slowly...

Last night Bella spent the night with Jenny, so we had a quiet evening at home, and actually WATCHED A MOVIE. We're the last people on earth to have finally seen "Knocked Up", but it was worth the wait - in-tears funny. It was just the sort of decompress we needed after the week.

Today we got Bella back at noon, then spirited her off to a birthday party with the Swedes... I got to drop a little Swedish on them, telling them "Idag, hon är lite trött" (today, she's a little tired!) We're having dinner with them in 2 weeks, and I'll be working on my conversational gambits non-stop until then!

Pamela's been fading all day, from a strong start in the am, to listless on the couch by dinner, and in bed by 7... I suppose that having Isaac cough in our faces non-stop for 2 weeks has maybe just maybe spread some germs to us...? And with that I hear him stirring (must every blog post end with me zooming off with a warm bottle?)

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