Sunday, July 18, 2010

Two more things

1) Pamela got back from her scrapbooking retreat tired but happy. And she passed out around 8pm. ZZZzzzzzz.

2) Bella spend a lot of the day out on the front porch with Isaac, Zinsser, and her friend Carly: They had their Littlest Pet Shop animals, a bag of fabric, and a sewing kit, and Bella was making outfits for them. She was sewing capes and coveralls for them. For one, she made a cape and a headband - they called it "The Sweaty Kitty", and had a glass of water they kept dunking her into, to make sure that the headband was properly perspiration drenched.

In the end, there were 7 different animals that were turned into super heroes, including a small skunk with a cape that was 4x the length of her ("Trippy Skunk" was the name given - she uses her long cape to trip bad guys).

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