Monday, July 28, 2008

Quick Quotes

1) The other night, we let Bella zonk out in our bed. Naturally I moved her when it was time for us to go to bed. In the morning, she asked how she got into her bed, and I told her how I moved her... she grumbled "you always move me when I'm fast asleep. You never move me when I'm half asleep. Well, one time you did, back when I was four. But not since then."

So last night we got home late and she and Isaac were asleep in the car: As I carried her upstairs she was fading into awakeness, and when I reached up to close her windowshade, she asked to look for a moment: "That's my star up there, I can see it", and sure enough there was a glowing star on the horizon. "You can close the shade now, daddy. Goodnight."

This morning I told her that I had in fact moved her when she was "half asleep", but she didn't remember any of it. Luckily I did.

2) In Madison, Bella was drifting off to sleep, and asked "Just one more question Daddy: What is the part in your hair FOR?"

3) Isaac knows his animals: The other night we were quizzing him:
What does the Cow say? "MOOOOO"
What does the Cat say? "MEOW!"
What does a DOG say? "WOOF WOOF"
What does an OWL say? "HOW DO YOU DO?"

Stunned, we asked "What? What does an owl say?"
He paused, then said "WHOOOO!"
We're not sure what animal he got mixed up with. "How do you do?"

4) Isaac in the last couple of days has picked up the habit of "buying time" while thinking by saying "ummmmmm....." It is very adorable. Trust me.

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