Sunday, March 18, 2007

One additional Detail

Last night Bella's best friend Jenny spent the night too (yes, scotch nite and a sleepover the same night). We had a fun day at the Mall - it was sort of a different day than we usually have - lots of rides, lunch at the Rainforest cafe (the girls loved it).

But here's the detail: As Rich, Pamela, and I were waiting for Nick to arrive and for the girls to get into their PJs and brush teeth, Bella and Jenny came down and announced they wanted to give us a "show". They had the sweetest smiles. We said "Sure!".

From behind their backs, they brought out toy power tools (chainsaw and jackhammer), and proceeded to attack us with squeals and giggles. Then they ran off, and came back with "ANOTHER SHOW".

This time the stuffed dogs they were holding were snarling and went for our faces. Finally the third act involved stuffed tigers and jaguars, which were hissing and slashing at us.

Now, we don't do a lot of violence in the house, and I'm not too sure where this came from, but it probably didn't help that we were paralyzed with laughter. I'm sure that if Al Queda ever figured out that smiling 4-5 year old girls can get away with anything.... we're done for.


Anonymous said...

The Attack of The Show. Hmmm. Cable tv is just waiting for these performers.

Um, guerilla accounts from the Vietnam era and increasingly now, do illustrate the use of children.

Check out Ishmael Beah's wrenching story (on sale at Starbucks).

Giggly little girls as puppet terrorists, much better. And, may this continue to be so, the play is the thing.
As are the giggles.

Jimmy B said...

Fair enough - Child Soldiers are just the saddest thing. I shouldn't have made the comparison.

In case you think I was exaggerating about the cuteness, Rich sent me this:

"The movie, would *not*
have been the same without an introductory 3-part powertool,
domestic canine and wildcat attack..."