Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Out of Sync

I'm still adjusting to my new schedule and the new expectations of my work: This is not a punch the clock sort of position, but I'd still like to feel like I'm showing up... My CEO dropped by and laughed because he recognized the transition from billing consultant to sales can be a rough one and that I'd need time to find the new rhythm.

I submitted my expenses for the previous week's trip, somewhat sheepish about the costs (because of the last minute trip, my airfares were not the cheapest). Turns out my boss submitted almost twice as much for that week (he had one more leg of the journey), so no worries. I'm beginning to understand why the company needs to make a certain margin on consultants - something I had chafed at AS a consultant, but it has been illuminating to see this side. To BE this side, I should say.

LinkedIn is like a Facebook or myspace for professionals - it has been helpful for me to get hooked up with some previous co-workers. I've been on it for 6 months or so. But once you add "Vice President" to your profile name, you get a lot of interesting emails. Like I said, it's an adjustment.

One advantage to the new position is that I've been able to be home most mornings a little later (or more accurately, come home after my 6am workouts and hang out before work) and been able to get morning cuddle time with the kiddies, help get them dressed and fed, and give Pamela time for a shower.

Isaac has been borderline out of his mind with a combo of brainstorming AND 4 teeth coming in (two cut in the last day). He's been aggressive and precocious. Yesterday, he was running a circuit in the kitchen of "Things Mom Hates Me To Do", one after another: Turn on the dishwasher, hang on the oven door, swipe my hands over the tabletop to find anything up there, attack the printer, climb the couch and turn up the stereo - repeat as necessary. Pamela was picking up the phone to call me and Bella asked "Who are you calling, Mom? The Police?"

And yet, he is now saying please and thank you, and singing like a little bird: He has music in his bones. This morning I put on some Black Eyed Peas, and he was shaking his rump all across the kitchen. That kid is a born entertainer.

In the midst of it all, Pamela takes her house duties seriously: The house has officially changed over from post-Christmas Winter decorations to Valentines - Red roses and hearts are everywhere now. She amazes me every day with her creative touches.... I think that Isaac's boundless energy MUST be rubbing off on her!

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