Thursday, October 02, 2008

Like a ROCK

Isaac got his stitches out today: Now I remember getting stitches out as a kid (I had a quite a few), and I don't remember it being particularly pleasant. But Isaac was a champion:

I held him snug, he held a lollipop, and simply sat there looking patiently at the doctor as she pulled the stitches out: No screaming or crying. At one point, he asked us to sing "ABCs" to him, which we did... And when it was all done, he popped the lollipop in his mouth and marched out of the room.

During his nap, the rest of the scab fell off his lip, and he now looks 90% normal, with some little lines in there, and we still need to see the dentist about those teeth.

We celebrated tonight with Pei Wei, which we all devoured eagerly, along with a dessert of those "Humongous HoneyCrisp Apples" which are maybe the best tasting apple ever ever ever created.

Off to bed - I have to teach tomorrow AM!

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