Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Finished Book 4

Yep - Book 4 of the Twilight Series was consumed in under 24 hours - couldn't put it down for even Heroes (though I do love the new directions that Sylar is taking, make no mistake... and Claire's de-humanization is fascinating to watch. But we're talking about Twilight here).

Book 4 made slogging through Books 2 and 3 completely worth it: But you can't skip 2 and 3 - you don't realize how important the stories they tell ARE until it's all brought into focus in book 4. Very well done.

And to anyone (MOM) who might be thinking about taking a breather between books: Don't do it. Just dive into 4. DO IT.

Halfway through my crazy trip: Tacoma went VERY well, and I'm back in MSP ready to board for Boston. I'll be back home in 27 hours from now.

Isaac continues to heal - stitches come out Thursday, and we'll see the dentist next week. I do miss that all of my creatures at home - Pamela, Bella, and Frankenstein.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mom did dive into 4 today and, my goodness, that pregnancy is advancing quickly. Jacob is currently narrating and his voice is wonderfully written. I will put down for the evening and pick it up tomorrow. Flipped to the back and saw the Vampire Covens from the other countries - so figure some grander vision set to be revealed. Can't thank Carrie enough for bringing all four over and saying "get started". Fun.