Friday, November 24, 2006

Sweet Downtime

It's only Friday and it feels like a Sunday. I took off a little early on Wednesday to get a little rest in before my Birthday festivities (dinner at Oceanaire - nothing can compare!). Thursday was pure mayhem from start to finish - we had sort of forgotten to pre-make any of the thanksgiving food, so we made it ALL happen just like THAT.

It was a good group last night: Carrie and Scott and Freddie, and a swedish family who didn't know what all the fuss was about... so we showed them! Plus Papa and Bam and Lilli, who is such a big girl now our minds are all blown. The Turkey was perfect, as was the stuffing and potatoes. Other things that I don't like to eat were also reported to be fantastic, but I cannot vouch for their excellence directly.

The swedes brought a pair of little girls, and Bella, Sara, and Lisa (ages 3-5) were a pack of nordic blondies running around giggling all night. We got some footage of a dance party (Dancing Queen, of course).

Today was much mellower - Bella and I went off to Body Jam again (she really loves it!), and enjoyed quiche afterwards at Patrick's. All evening, Bella amused and tormented us by singing some of the Body Jam cues (Paaah-puh-PAAAH-PAAAH). She also got a t-shirt, and was very very proud. Pamela, having done a bravura performance the day before, konked out on the couch for a well deserved day of rest, after working with Bam to somehow completely clean the house.

I've been working on the BrainReady worksheets - the book is almost complete... Things keep going well with that: We are getting over 2000 readers a day, and our podcast is in the top 20 of iTunes now. We are getting some wonderful emails too. Here's a sample:

"Hi to the folks and I think you are great and I have already begun passing your site on to family and friends and even business contacts.
I work with folks in the beginning stages of Dementia and Alzheimer's creating video documentaries of their lives. Your podcast, blogsite, and mental exercises are a wonderful contribution to my clients and their families who worry. Thank you so much for not only providing this info but doing it for free. May all your good come back to you 1000 times over."

When I read things like that, it really puts a spring into my step!

And I'm off for the evening. But I have TWO MORE DAYS off of work! I'm just awash in luxury right now. I can hardly believe how good this "relaxing" thing feels. I'll keep the posts-a-coming.

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