Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Busy Days

I bookended my day with workouts: my 6am as usual, and then an extra hour at 8pm to work on technique and vocal projection: Even though we use mics, it's important to speak from your diaphragm when leading group fitness, and I need to work on my "big leader voice". The catch is that that big voice takes a lot of energy to produce. Add that to the mental energy of remembering the choreography for a full hour, the emotional energy of trying to bring a room of people along with you, and the physical energy of actually lifting weight along with everyone else, and you've got an amazing workout.

Plus, if I get that big voice, I'll be able to command others in my work and personal life to do my bidding. GET ME A CUP OF COFFEE NOW PLEASE (even when commanding, one should be polite)

I got my big strategy project out in Tacoma, so I'll be heading out there next week, and then a few more times later in the year. It'll be good experience, and a nice excuse to visit the area (and build more business out there... Seattle is a somewhat tough nut to crack. Maybe if I grew a beard....?)

Isaac has been putting us to work: Since we eliminated Bottles 3 weeks ago, he has been a very spare eater, worrying us to death. But his energy level remains high, he's strong, and happy as always, so perhaps I should worry less. But as we took the bottles, we reverted to more cuddling and rocking at night, and we need to get back to "it's night time, go to sleep" (which we had working pretty well up until Bottle D-Day). So we'll have to let him do some crying, but he's a very adaptable guy.

I visited Bella's kindergarten class last night and met her teacher. Oh my goodness, Bella is a lucky girl - her teacher is a "true believer" and loves kindergarten with all her heart. She made a movie of the kids learning in school, she read us some of their conversations, and explained her own history...

I found it interesting that she shared two "science" stories where she was overhearing the kids coming up with theories about things amongst themselves... and Bella was featured in both stories: She is a natural scientist, and her teacher is going to let her continue to explore than knowledge on her own terms. It was wonderful.

In truth, I wanted to run right back and join that class as a student. Their learning just seemed so free and fun. At the very least, I want to be a fly on the wall as the go through their day.

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