Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sunday Updates

1) As we were driving to Grandpa's house this morning, Bella saw a sidewalk all ripped up, and said - "uh oh: Sidewalk Closed" I asked her how she knew, and she said "It says it on that sign there". I looked over, and sure enough, a big orange sign saying "Sidewalk Closed". "Did you READ that?" I asked....

"Yes... you know I CAN read SOME things, Daddo. I can read books to Jenny too." Remember, not yet 4 years old, this girl.

Grampette was noticing that she's already moving to the top level of a memory/matching game she bought(3 levels provided, intended for up to age 6, and she's now bored with level 2). She's sort of alarming me... in a good way.

2) This morning, I did another Egg-in-the-Hole experiment: Olive Oil, not butter or bacon fat... and it was wonderful. And it didn't taste nearly as heavy/evil. Bella asked for a bite, then had me make HER one, which she ate almost all of. She really liked it!

Tuning the recipe: I think I need thinner bread (I'm using thick english muffin toast) because it's hard to get the center solid without burning the bread... The experiment continues.

3) My work is sadly invading my dreams. My reassuring green LED from the smoke detector has turned into an automated testing planning device, which grills me on exactly what order things need to be done in for my project. Bella cried out in the middle of the night, and in my dream, it was my security coordinator asking me for user lists and passwords. I'm not sure if Pamela heard me say "can't this wait until the morning, Julie?" The other night I woke up convinced I had dozed off at my desk and was getting out of bed to get to my meeting... when Pamela woke me up and reminded me it was 2 AM.

4) This is the week Pamela goes off to her Spa weekend for her (mumblemumble)ieth birthday... And we have fully synchronized schedules between my work and Bella's classes... And out of it I get a night off/out too, so here's hoping there's another "LDG" evening (The League of Distinguished Gentlemen).

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