Friday, October 26, 2007

Best laid plans...

So I can still say there's a new opportunity that I'm planning to get started in February. I broke the news to my boss yesterday: She just got "re-orged" at work and has to reapply for her job, and has decided to retire sometime early next year as well, so as she was talking about continuity, I needed her to know right away not to count on me to carry the torch. She is very understanding and excited for the opportunity for me - and really this will force the department to take "ownership" of their product - get beyond the consultant.


My plans were all based around some dates being met by the vendor. And last night I learned those dates will not be met. They'll be delayed by 30-45 days. Which means I MAY be out the door before a few key deliverables are met. Which is not how I wanted to work this!!!

I'm not going fully public with anyone until the paper offer is in my hands, but my boss is good people, and I have known of her retirement plans longer than anyone else - so we have a level of trust.

In other news - we were to have a VERY INTERESTING scotch Avengers night tonight: Tastings of the SAME AGE bottle, but different years: A Laphroaig 7-year bottled in 1999 versus 2000. A Lagavulin 12 year Cask bottled in 2005 and 2006. See what the differences are in that family.

Alas, Uncle Chicken was laid low by a horrible illness, and And and I were solo tonight. So the Lag pairing wasn't do-able. But we improvised... and we did the Lap pairing - which was frankly SHOCKING: The 2000 had a much butterier taste - a marked difference! We watched Aliens - ant had never seen this classic. Alas it does show its age - 24 years old now - and it's one of those where the leitmotifs have been taken as B-Movie Canon since, so the gritty, foul mouthed, multi-ethnic marines laid low by an incomprehensible villain, the corporate traitor, the resilient youngster...

So you need to squint to see the brilliance - and say yes, I've seen this all before, but it's all FROM THIS!!! Also, some classic lines - including the all time great "Game OVER, man! Game OVER!!!!" I think Ant did like it, but we've had stronger movies...

We hope to get Chicken over here still next week before he jets back to Seattle... But we appreciated not getting sick for sure!!!

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