Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hot Water.

YES. The water heater was installed. All is well in our world. Apparently the old one was in GRIEVOUS condition, and we're lucky it didn't just drop its entire water load at once. It's good to have fresh, well running appliances.

I say again: We have hot water. I took a shower with the kids. It was delightful. Also, we can use the dishwasher and clothes washer too. Life is grand.

Other updates:
We're discovering that the secret to Isaac eating grownup food is to give him whatever we're eating, and let him walk with it. Tonight, he wandered around, eating most of a large pork potsticker. He'd pause after a bite, and squeal with delight.

The trick may be to see if he'll eat anything TWICE. Tonight he rejected the Sweet and Sour chicken that he loved the other night. Hmmm.

I took the morning off of work and took Bella and Isaac to school, playing with Bella in class (it was "parenting day"). It was VERY fun, and there was over an hour of "parent education" where we all sat at a table and talked about strategies for the kids...

Tonight, out of the blue, Bella asked about German: How to say some things in it, and why is it different from English? She was pretty game to try some new words... I am so proud of that girl! Also she wanted to what is England? That was fun.

Off to a relatively early bed now. Wish me luck.

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