Sunday, October 21, 2007

Yes, another week!

I'll try to do a more comprehensive update a little later, but here are some highlights.

- Today Isaac said "Banana" perfectly. Once. Also, we figured out he likes Ginger Snaps... a LOT! He walks backward now (not exclusively), and has been throwing lots of micro-tantrums when things aren't going exactly perfectly. We still like him, however. At this instant, he's dragging an easel that is exactly twice his height across the kitchen floor with great intent. He's a boy alright.

- The other night, Bella was obsessing about death. She said "I wish I was something that never dies - like the wind or air." That girl is a poet.

- Paul Sebastien and I are team writing music: I started with a little verse-chorus, he sent back some guitar, I added more structure... we've gone back and forth 4 times now, and this song is almost complete... Paul sent me a guitar riff, and that's forming the basis for another song too, which I sent him some tracks on. Basically we're trying to challenge each other to be creative. We've both enjoyed a book called The War of Art by Steven Pressfield - teaching you to really be purposeful in your creativity - to just go to work. So we're having a lot of fun.

More later - gotta go help a neighbor with some computer issues!

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