Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Update and what was I thinking?

Well, still no hot water: Turns out the way our water heater was put in was just fine for 16 years ago, but code has changed, and one must not install water heaters in such a manner. We went around and around on the possibilities, and it turns out my only option is an ELECTRIC water heater. Which entailed me calling an electrician (who confided he too had to put in an Electric due to code too... and it works), having new circuits wired, and a slightly more expensive heater unit, but far less in construction costs (at one point we were looking at 4+ hours just to drill a new set of vents into our very sturdy walls....

Hopefully this adventure will be over by tomorrow. I've always said humans are 3 days of hot water away from complete savagery. I am approaching this state.

In the meantime, MaeMae graciously let us take showers at her place tonight, and we're feeling fresh as daisies. Pamela hadn't showered since Sunday... and I was extra ready for a wash because...

Tuesdays are double-workout-days. Yes, every Tuesday you'll find me up at the crack of dawn for my 6am BodyPump class. This morning was beautiful: I saw the stars on the way in, and the sunrise on the way out. Then off to the hospital for a 7:30 cardiologist conference... a typical workday, then home to pick up Bella to go to the 5:15 BodyJam, and then off to a father-daughter date.

Bella still doesn't want to DANCE at Jam, but she loves watching me, and gives me thumbs-up or thumbs-down depending on my moves. So far it's all thumbs up, thankfully. I think my study sessions with the DVDs paid off - I was feeling much more confident in the moves. Then it was off to Chipotle for a burrito... and then we crashed the "pre-opening" night of the new ultramegasupertarget out by Southdale, with rows and rows of untouched merch.

But when I do the double workout, this dog gets TIRED. It's a lot of work. And with Isaac still not sleeping so well, I'm functioning on <5 hours still. I know I know - why am I blogging and not fast asleep right now? Good point. But I'm ravenous and need to finish this bagel.

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