Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Working on closure

So I have been at the new job for around 6 weeks now, during which time I've also been doing maintenance work for the old client (the Cardio department), biding my time until my replacement was found. Well she started this week, and I am absolutely thrilled: She's an older woman with grown kids who consults because she likes a challenge, not because she needs to. She did similar work at another hospital, knows the ways of Cardiologists, and knows many of the key software players.

We spent a few hours yesterday reviewing the project history, and I handed off a stack of documents. Today we got together and she had a page of questions, all of which indicated that she GOT the issues, and was looking for a deeper level of detail. I'm completely confident that she'll be able to run with this project as soon as next week without my direct involvement... though I suspect that as that "living history" of the project, I'll be tapped a fair amount.

Still, it's a good feeling when you are handing something off, and you are CONFIDENT that this person will not only do as good a job as you did, but maybe even be better at some of it.

In the new job, I made my first real sale last week, and now have 3 people working... and I'm headed out to New York and Philly next week to get number 4 placed... and to meet with some new possible strategic clients too. It's all really starting to move... I'm getting busy, and it's getting exciting. But not so busy that I couldn't take off a bit early today to take the family to Ikea!!!

Yep - we hit Ikea, had some dinner: Isaac snacked on fries, meatballs, chicken fingers, and chocolate milk... but not enough of each to truly call it a "meal". Bella was still full from her post-swimming Panera feast, so she poked at some mashed potatoes. Me... Meatballs tack så mycket! (thanks so much!). Then we shopped for desk accessories for my office - I need to liven it up: My team mates have decided to decorate FOR me since I haven't yet, so the gauntlet is thrown... we must decorate! Anyway, it was a great opportunity to have Isaac run around. I was chasing him everywhere, and by the time we got home, both kids were almost asleep before we got them upstairs. So we've had a bit of an evening to ourselves. Time for bills and blogging. ;->

Isaac's words are really getting clearer with each passing day: Upstairs, downstairs, bottle, bearbear... The other day, he looked to have mischief in mind, so I said "Isaac, come here." He stared with a smile, and stayed put. I repeated it. Still no move.

A third repeat, and he said "NO" (though it came out "DOE"). I said "Isaac, did you just tell me 'NO'?"
He grinned and said "Yeah!" and ran away. Hooo boy, he's the cutest little stinker.

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