Monday, March 06, 2006

Coffee Shop Update - Emerging Crisis

I went down for my now-traditional late-morning double, and noticed the crew was a bit light, and there was an absence of breakfast sandwiches... so I asked if I missed the big rush or something....

"Well, you're a regular so i can tell you....  Ryan's in the hospital - you know, he was on medication, but I don't know what for.  The girl who makes the sandwiches didn't show up either, no call, no nothing, which is strange because she seemed to be doing pretty well.  Maybe it has to do with Ryan - I think they're friends.

"So now I have two managers in back and they're making sandwiches for lunch, and it's just me up here holding it all together, but I'm not doing too well either....

"My little kitten spent the night up in a pine tree - she bolted out the door after a squirrel last night, and went straight up the tree, and of course she can't get down.  I was out there calling her, but nope.  My dad's over there right now with a ladder, hopefully he'll get her down.

"I would have asked my boyfriend, but HE's in the clinker with a DWI - we had brunch yesterday and he just felt like keeping on going - I said "no thanks, I need to work a double tomorrow", and the next thing I know, it's the evening and he's in jail.  I think I gotta make a change in that department."

That all said, it was a good cup of espresso.

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