Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Man alive, particle board is Hea-VAY.  We have come to terms with the fact that our books and videos are officially "out of CONTROL", and decided to get some Ikea Billy bookshelves.  You know, just temporary until we can get the Stickleys in (HA!).

Not sure what I was thinking when I went to Ikea alone on Sunday to "pick some up".  One flat pack was 80 lbs.  Two at 50 lbs.  But man that I am, I did wrestle it all into the car and get it home and get them all on the proper floors....  and MAN am I sore!!!!

I finally finished assembling them last night...  and they're looking pretty dang good.

Quick Coffee Shop update:  Pamela came to visit work yesterday and finally saw the legendary coffee shop.  Alas, the regulars weren't there!  The two "Girls who make the Sandwiches" were improbably working the front counter.  They told me "We're caterers, we dont' make coffee!"  But since my Double was easy to make, they indulged me.  

They also said "We're working a double here - there's an event we need to cater tonight, and it's hot food, not trays, so it'll be a lot of work.  Let's just say that if the manager doesn't come through with some beer for us tonight, we're not coming in tomorrow."

I have not yet confirmed whether this threat was taken seriously.

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