Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Dream into Action

We're really trying to live closer to a "budget" and that means we're cooking a lot more, eating LEFTOVERS (yes, I have been "repurposing" previous meals), and generally trying to be better citizens of the culiniary world.  

So I've been experimenting in the kitchen a little.  You need to know that I have amazingly powerful kitchen DNA - my mother is one of the
best "scratch cooks" in the universe - she would be a great iron chef, able to take 8 random ingredients and make something not-too-fancy but amazingly tasty.

These superpowers have not yet manifested in me, unfortunately.  I do try and sometimes it is
good and sometimes it is tragically flawed.  But tonight, it worked.

I had a vision 3 days ago of a steak.  A skillet sauteed steak with a shallot-wine-butter reduction.  I got the steaks (basic skirt steaks here)... but Pamela made a goat cheese lasagne which made two dinners for me, so tonight was my steak night.  And it was WONDERFUL.  The meat was a little tough (flash sauteeing is not the most tender way to cook an already tough cut...), but the flavors were amazing.

And it paired very well the Cab i poured for the evening.  The only possible downside was Bella burning her mouth on the mashed potatoes and screaming for like a half hour... 

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