Monday, July 23, 2007

PS - More Potter

No spoilers here:

As I have mused about book 7, little details keep popping up in my head, and I marvel at how Ms Rowling tied up all of the loose ends. Pretty much anything you were wondering about, she answers.

Why was so-and-so such a jerk? Why did X win over Y in duel Z? What is Q's motivation? Is D good, or bad... REALLY? It's all there. And more.

One thing I'm working on but will not post for a week is a critical look at Voldemort's management style: There are some things he does well, setting clear expectations of his employees. Some things, not so well - delegating and outsourcing don't work out so well for him. That's as far as I want to go now... but as you read think about Voldemort as CEO, and gauge what he does well and not well.

Back to the book: I've looked at some online forums, and I think most readers are in agreement with me on most points: There are some spoilsports who don't like some things, and see loose ends where none are needed - usually complaints about unresolved threads involving third-tier minor characters (I don't think there is anything really unresolved about Gilderoy Lockhart that NEEDS to be included...), or details we never got (What sort of broom did JAMES Potter prefer?????). Those are the nitpickers of the world, who will never know true pleasure in reading. Add to those the people who claim to have finished the book but then post 5 questions that would be obvious if one had actually READ the book. I need to stay away from these forums. I am done with them.

For my money, the book SATISFIED.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One thing I never see in these chat rooms is the similarity between Rowling and Susan Cooper. Years ago, Cooper's Dark is Rising series excited some of us much as Potter does today. It was far more esoteric, Celtic, lacking the broad humor. But their points are similar - there will always be dark and light intermingled and the challenge is to keep the balance on the right side. Cooper's symbol of evil - the first ones we see - are the stoats who kill just because they can. It's one of Voldemort's signatures. I am about 200 pages into 7. So far so good.