Monday, August 10, 2009


I finally got email and network access at the new client. Yes, this is 4 weeks in. I told you they move slower than I expect. But this unlocked a glittering treasure chest of documents that will go a long ways to answering some of my questions before I go harassing the users. But yeah yeah yeah!

Also, I got clearance to buy the Macbook Air from my company (expensed!), AND found a buyer for the existing MacBook Pro. So that's coming together too. Soon I will not be the hunchback of Chestnut Street any longer! And since I decided NOT to get an apartment (due to the insane cheapness of my favorite haunt, actually - downtown Philly for under $100/night in a clean safe place with decent internet) I'll still be doing a good bit of walking.

It was a busy weekend (AGAIN) - Relished the finale of So You Think You Can Dance, and I'm thrilled with the outcome. It IS strange, however, to watch our stars revising dances from the season - seeing it performed a second or third time suddenly makes it seem like choreography instead of spontaneous magic. Watching a replay of the original is ok, but watching re-dances sort of dulls the magic. I'm thinking that the Jai Ho suffered the most on that... On the other hand, Max and Kayla's Samba was even hotter.

I took the kids to Edenborough a couple of times for big fun playtime, and they were thrilled. Friday was a swarming mass of kids (rainy day), but Sunday was a ghost town... The kids are officially too fast for me in the play structure now, so I go up and down a couple of times with them, and let them run, keeping an eye on the exit to prevent any Isaac Escapes.

Bella has graduated in Burrito-hood: She no longer needs the burrito bowl, she takes her beans, rice, sour cream, and cheese wrapped in a tortilla now, and can EAT THE WHOLE THING. It's frankly a little alarming - I tend to toss out 1/3 of my burritos, since that's the point where I get "full" but not "stuffed".

On Sunday I took off for the airport for a short week: I got nice hugs from the whole family, but Isaac was very sad he couldn't come with me. Zinsser was too: He spent most of the weekend stalking me, jumping into my lap to cuddle. He loves his master... (Talking about Zinsser here, not Isaac)

This weekend we're all headed up to Ruttgers for a family relaxation vacation. It will be... wonderful....

Oh, and Yelp steered me wrong again: Corner pizza place 4 blocks from my hotel, 4-star review (fairly recent too) and I got a floppy slice that was nothing special. I'm thinking maybe democracy doesn't work with food.

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