Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fish Fry!!!

Just got back from an actual Fish Fry over at with the parents of Izzy and Zofi, Bella's friends in Synchronized Swimming. There were around 16 people there, plus as many kids, and it was fun in the sun, with a gas-fired fryer (with 4 gallons of oil) doing the business on beer battered perch and ore-ida french fries. We brought a big Caprese salad, and there was lots of fruit available, so it wasn't all evil. It was a fun time, and Isaac was in the middle of it, of course... he walked up to where the kids were playing, and hollered out "HEY KIDS! I'M HERE!!!" But Bella took some time to warm up. After 10 min on mom's lap (in the hot sun), Izzy lured Bella away with a plan/project. Didn't see them for almost an hour after that: They had locked themselves in the basement bathroom with a roll of toilet paper, a fresh roll of scotch tape, and a bucket of "littlest pet shop" toys, all of which needed wrapping in "bandages".

By the end of that, Bella was warmed up enough to cause all sorts of trouble, including enlisting the kids to tackle me and remove my shirt. All that fish must have put them in the mood to see more pale skin, I suppose. It was very odd. VERY odd. Witht he shirt off, she was content to go back and play with the rest of the kids. But she was DRIVEN.

Isaac had blown off his nap today (which meant I didn't get one either), so by 7:45, he was pretty tired. He's actually been pretty wiped by the end of these days... staggering down the hall like a drunkard, didda in his mouth and a goofy grin on his face. After a couple of stories, he was asleep almost before his head hit the pillow. Which left me with "old man Zinsser".

Zinsser has some curious tendencies about being a guard dog: I took him for his walk, and he heard some kids laughing off in a yard. He planted his feet and began barking. Then walked right past a squirrel, past a rabbit, and leapt up barking, straining at his leash at a passing by runner. I think he's really not so much a dog, as he is a cranky old man in a furry outfit. That said, he is a wonderful cuddler, and while I TRIED to nap this afternoon (as Isaac sang and laughed to himself), Zinsser was stretched along my side, with his head up on my shoulder. Such a nice dog.

I've got the place to myself for a little while longer: The older kids are watching The Incredibles back at the Fish Fry while Pamela gets some grown up conversation with some friends... Everyone told me to come on back over once Isaac was asleep.... joking of course!!! So I'm just blogging a little, reading a little, and having a quick visit to Buckingham Palace. There's a little Bunnahabin 25 that just needs a little nudge before it'll be ready for a cashing at the next Avenging. The things I do for these people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You...without a shirt...I must now proceed to poke out my minds eye. SG