Sunday, August 30, 2009

Things to warm the geek heart

1) I have finally cracked the code and can do Killer Sudoku. I've completed two so far. Here's a link to one... it's Sudoku, but with no starting numbers, plus boxes where the numbers need to add up. Until Thursday, my attempts had resulted in a half dozen crumpled up pieces of paper... but Thursday on the airplane I somehow made it happen. And tonight I did it again (different puzzle, thank you for your support). It's brilliant.

I have tried the 1-12 Sudoku too, but that just feels like WORK. This Killer feels like a real challenge.

2) Technology refresh: With the new job came a technology budget. And I was going to resist, but my good buddy Paul decided to stimulate the economy by buying a Macbook Air, THEN deciding to sell it to buy a desktop Mac. So I'm the happy recipient of a nearly new second hand Macbook Air with the solid state hard drive at a great discount: Oh and the SSD means that other than the keys, there are no moving parts in this puppy (well, there may be a little fan). It is silent, and as Ant put it, I've had pads of paper that weighed more. It truly is incredible to have a computer weigh less than 3 lbs, yet be full sized for viewing and typing. Plus it's zippy.

I do have a buyer for my perfectly good Macbook Pro, so this comes out ok on all accounts. I'm just so pleased with this thing.

3) New catchphrase in the house: SPAGETT!!! It's from "Tim and Eric's Awesome Show- Great Job" and well you just need to see it. And you'll want to jump out from behind a fake plant and yell "SPAGETT!!!"

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