Monday, August 31, 2009

Mo' Better

Already feeling better about this week, productivity-wise. Got good work done on a number of fronts, plus got some Mandarin learning in the bag this evening (inspired by having a co-worker who will let me try my language on him!)

Got forwarded an email from my former boss' boss back from the company I fled, and was relieved/horrified to find truly abusive language in this message, which was sent to 5 VP/Sr VP level people. The guy was bad crazy, and I'm happy to be out of there. Note to anyone who knows where I worked - it's not the CEO, this is a senior VP being the jerk... Even though my feelings for the CEO aren't too kind either.

Food: Had a non-disappointing day: Found a Vienna Beef stand a few blocks from work and enjoyed a true Chicago Style for lunch. For dinner, tried another place near the hotel in Chinatown, and was NOT disappointed, so food is going OK so far.

Yeah, I stayed up too late last night, got up too early, and am dragging, so this quick post will be my night-night to you. See you in the morning when I'm refreshed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it reassuring that you not only had the certainty that you were in an abusive situation but that you kept faith with this and as a result are in a better place. Stay human.