Monday, August 03, 2009

A big weekend

Reunion Weekend! Say it loud and it like music playing, say it soft, and it's almost like praying.

All right, first things first: So You Think You Can Dance: While I was shocked at first, I've grown to be at peace with Evan beating out Ade for the final. I love Ade, but I'm a fan of Evan's character... and he's dancing just fine - he brings some great joy to it. I was happy to see Melissa out finally - The fact she went SO long without ever being asked to HipHop was just embarassing... it felt like they were giving her a pass every week they didn't throw her to NappyTab's crazy prop factory. I mean, Evan and Randi did a (very vanilla) hip hop, and it wasn't terrible... So now we'll never know if she could crump en pointe.

For the final, I predict Janette will storm the stage in her fiery cuban way (despite having been voted off 2 weeks ago) and usurp the title. Watch for it.

Ok. I just had to have that out.

Thursday we drove out to Madison (Fort Atkinson, actually) for the reunion... Of course, no napping kids, and Zinsser was a great road dog - basically zonked out on Bella's lap. When we arrived, steaks went on the grill and the kids started playing.... and didn't stop for 4 days. Plus Zinsser found a friend in Braedon the 1 year old golden doodle. The two of them rolled around and played for four days straight. Zinsser looked like a wet rat half the time, having been thoroughly been drooled upon by the big galoot dog. We actually had to physically separate them often so they could rest. If we didn't, they were like punch drunk fighters in round 14, leaning on eachother and refusing to stop playing.

They only got into one fight, and it was late in the day after not enough rest, and of course they were fighting over a dried bull penis. Oh yes, I did say that. They're called "Bully Sticks" and dogs love them. The dogs took turns gnawing on it, and trying to keep it away from the other dog.

Friday was a gorgeous day, and Bella swam for much of it. Saturday was cooler, but still nice enough for everyone to play outside. Isaac did not go in the lake, but there were two trapezes hanging from trees that he couldn't get enough of swinging from: His upper body strength is really something. All of the guys (all generations) had fun with Isaac, playing t-ball, bocce, you name it.

It gave me an idea for a sitcom - "Coachie" - Two arty intellectual parents with a spacey science-loving daughter adopt a son whose birthparents were athletes. In an effort to support his athletic tendencies, they employ a nanny/coach, who can bring the proper level of competitiveness and sports appreciation to the household. Lots of "fish out of water" humor with the rough but tender coach trying to understand the strange new yorker-reading parents, but moments of genuine pride and bonding abound. I'm pretty sure it would be on Fox.

Bella played a lot with Seeger, who is very on her wavelength: They were dogs and scientists quite a bit. They found a lot of little toads, and we even brought some home with us... but released them into our garden, but not before a whole lot of crying, AND us doing the research to discover that keeping toads as pets is not a casual activity.

Back home on Sunday, again no napping with the kids, and Zinsser asleep the whole time (perhaps happy to finally be getting a break), and an early bedtime. Big thunderstorms brought Bella into our bed around midnight, and a bad dream had me rocking Isaac at 1. In my delirious state from tiredness and watching So You Think You Can Dance right before bedtime, I grew convinced as I was rocking Isaac that he was actually baby Brandon, and I was rubbing his head telling him he was going to go all the way and become America's Favorite Dancer. Which was a bit odd.

An early flight to Philly... and a last minute upgrade to First made the morning AOK. I tried to take the train into town, but it was late (!), and showed no signs of keeping on its schedule (the conductor was opening and closing panels, stroking his chin). So I took a cab. The pace of work at the new client is somewhat... slow...

I remember this from my previous cardiology gig too: There were huge slow moments in the project that nobody seemed too worried about. I think that people just don't UNDERSTAND these systems, and expect that they are inscrutible and things MUST move slowly. I'm prepared to adjust my tempo as appropriate. I do still have my Jersey client who is anything BUT slow.

That's enough update for the day... Have a great night!


Anonymous said...

Hah! It's Brandon's to lose. I won't see the finale as the Fringe is keeping me fascinated and off the couch.
The marketing that keeps these Brit imports intriguing makes me think they kept the ballerina to get all those little girls - like Shawn Johnson got all the gymnasts mobilized for DWTS.
Relentless fun - sounded like a fantastic weekend. Go dogs, go!
Walked down 19th to Washington to try to find Carrie's site for party - if it is where I think it is it has a big garage door and no identifying sign. That's our girl - loading docks and garage doors, no signage and trendy out the wahzoo.

Anonymous said...

I was wrong: I should have been walking down 17th and will this evening.