Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hot Hot Storm ACTION

As you may know, my wife is something of a storm maven. I made her week by giving her a DVD of tornado footage a few years ago, she sometimes watches StormChasers (though we agree that the show is more dumb people drama than actual storms), she has tornado dreams....

And any time that storm siren goes off, she is up like a bolt getting the kids into the basement, putting the tv on, or weather radio... And at least a few times a summer, she's out on the back deck, looking up at the sky musing about whether that cloud is rotating or not. In short, she's a fan of the weather.

Yesterday was a big day for weather: A TORNADO came into the Twin Cities! It blew by a block from where I grew up! It was headed to DOWNTOWN! It was just a mile or two from our home! Storm sires were blaring, the neighborhood moms were getting kids into the basement (Bella was over playing with Casey, and went to their basement...)

And Pamela and Isaac were sound asleep. The sirens didn't wake them up. She was awakened eventually by the phone ringing from people calling to see if we made it through the storm ok. And we did come through ok... there was no damage in our neighborhood, so no worries.

I thought it was pretty amusing (from my perch in Philly), and Pamela was just chagrined that she missed out on the "storm fan moment of the decade". And yes, she told me to blog about this.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It WAS one of those afternoons - dozy, drippy, rain came in swaths - and I'll bet we were all yawning in the Cities. I know I was. You've read now how it took the early warning people some time to get their act together - some odd time lapse that meant by the time the tornados were verified, they had passed and THEN the sirens went off. So - Pam isn't the only person who is a bit dazed by the timing of all this. I called because of all the reports of flooding and I was hoping she and the kids were not stranded somewhere. She was still trying to piece it all together - it's been a strange 24+ hours for us all. But it's a blessing no one was hurt - just a gift. Hurry home and weather will be so happy the sun will come out.