Monday, April 17, 2006

The end of the Earth...

Robbinsdale, a small first-ring northern suburb, nestled north of Minneapolis. Place where I work now, and place where apparently they can support multiple gun stores, a firing range, several smoke shops, and NO coffee shops.

Not a dang one.

Oh, they tried - there's an empty storefront announcing "Expresso and Bakery" (Yes, the X is incorrect). There is a house that promises Coffee and even had a LaVazza sticker in the window... but the doors were locked, and the parking lot empty (I suspected this one may actually be a hipster trap when in operation - they lure you into the basement with a promise of coffee, and don't let you out until you accept Jesus as your personal trainer, or something).

Nearest Starbucks or Caribou are even further north in the seeming metropolis of Crystal. A good 15 minute drive, which seems excessive... until you realize that we're talking about MY COFFEE NEEDS here.

I think my three best options include:
1) Wean myself off of my need for the afternoon bean.
2) Bring a thermos with a quad shot kept hot for my afternoon of need.
3) Knock down a cube wall and install an espresso stand here.

I had considered bringing in my mini Espresso machine and parking it at my desk, but two problems present themselves: There is but ONE power outlet for my cube, and the nearest water is literally 20 cubes away (there is a massive server room between me and the "kitchen".

The final option is too horrible to contemplate: Drink the corporate brewed coffee in the break room. OH THE HUMANITY.

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