Thursday, April 06, 2006

Getting to be home...

The new workplace is coming along pretty well. By the end of Tuesday, I started feeling better about what my role is. Yesterday I was able to start presenting strategies to people, and TODAY people started coming to me for advice on various issues... So my confidence and comfort are returning.

Lunch has been fun: Turns out most of the people here are travelers with a generous Per Diem, so they just trade off buying lunches and expensing them, and they don't mind if non-travelers get in on it. So I've been freeloading. It's VERY nice of them, and I don't take it for granted, but I'm also enjoying it. The only downside - they are smokers. They smoke on the way, and on the way back. So I'm going to have to work that out.

BIG NEWS: We're taking a trip out to Washington DC fri-Sun. I'll blog any important events. Not sure if Condi will be in town for us.

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