Thursday, May 18, 2006

Crazy Language Workplace

So one of my new co-workers is pretty good with Japanese... as is my old buddy Jode who is also here. So when I get back into Nihongo, I'll have some people to try it out with.

I also was speaking Spanish to a coworker and a lady a cube over has kids in Spanish Immersion, and started speaking with me. It was megacool.

Nobody seems to speak or want to speak German, however.

So in the midst of it all, somebody asked me what languages I do speak.
- French pretty well.
- Spanish getting better
- German passable but fading (I need to refresh and practice!)
- Japanese - 4 phrases max. But will learn.
- Russian - two years of college, some things don't leave.

At which point a coworker piped over a cube wall "are you a musician?". I had to fess up, yes. So now I am officially "fascinating" in the words of a cubemate.

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