Sunday, October 01, 2006

Sunday Morning

An update to last night's multi-post.

Pamela's party roared until after 1, and she crawled into bed around 2 (after taking Kari back to her hotel). I took all of the night feeding shifts to help her recover, and she was up and at'em by 9 today.

Of course, Bella and Isaac and I were up and at'em around 7:30. ;->

Details: Isaac is starting to fill out and is taking a lot more bottle: While even Tuesday, he was an ounce-per-feeding, he's up to 3.5 per feeding now! He's grown very intolerant of even a slightly wet diaper, but I would not call him a fussy baby. In fact, he's remarkably easy going... lots of smiles, likes to be held by just about anyone, and only cries if he's gassy or hungry. Otherwise, he's a little owl baby, looking around with wide eyed wonder at the large, luminous shapes that seem to surround him.

One thing I love is that he throws his arms around like an orchestra conductor - I started singing "Ode to Joy" from Beethoven's 9th, and he was waving them around and had a very serious, Maestro-esque look on his face. I'm thinking there's a chance that the spirit of Herbert Von Karajan may have landed in this one.

As we were walking around yesterday, Tyler was enjoying carrying Isaac in a sling. As he was waiting for us near a door, a pair of pinched ladies walked by, and asked rather horrified "is that YOURS young man?" Ty (14) took it well, but was pretty taken aback by their tone... Takes all kinds I guess.

And now that little Ike is stirring and seems intent on demolishing another bottle, so off I go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Photos I hope soon.
Jasper and Isaac have much in common. Since J is the most perfect pet ever I can imagine this diaper tidiness is a forshadowing of perfections to come. J will stand on the rug and stare at me until I change his litter.

I love Virgos!