Monday, April 14, 2008

The Auction

Saturday Night was the big Church Auction: Pamela had worked for days as the visionary for the decorations, and the results were stunning: The signs, the banners, the vases, the streamers, the giant undulating waves coming from the ceilings, it all came together splendidly, and people were coming up to Pamela all night fawning over her work. It was great validation of her talent!

The Auction itself was slightly smaller than last year: They got rid of the "garage sale" elements and only did donated items, which made for more space on the floor, and more intense bidding on the good stuff. Of course the highlight of the night was the live auction, which was led by George, one of the congregation, who employed a combination of good natured humor and flat out shaming tactics to not only get people to up their bids, but in two cases, the donors actually contributed extra stuff so that the top two bids were winners. That alone added over $1000 to the coffers.

I played it cool, but there was one thing I wanted, and let's just say I did what I needed to do to win it. I'm not exactly sure WHAT I'll be doing with 4 hours of a fine jazz combo with vocalist (the same as played at our 10th anniversary party), but it may just be a very silly afternoon I'm spending.

Mae was a saint and put the kids to bed so that we could attend the auction... and Sunday Pamela had all of the energy of a limp noodle, realizing just what an effort she had put into the whole deal.

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