Thursday, June 22, 2006

Chuck's Lunch Story

I went to lunch with 5 co-workers at "Big Louie's", a sports bar not far from the client site. They have good sammich food - I usually get a huge chicken sandwich... but the whole menu is pretty good.

Chuck is a 50-ish man who looks a bit like Bob Balaban - short, jewish, with an accent that comes out the more frustrated (or inebriated) he gets. I love Chuck - he's the Project Manager for the phase that follows mine, and because of my time crunch I've been "borrowing" his people which is leading to increased consternation on his part. It doesn't take much to rile him up these days.

Today he started thinking that BREAKFAST lunch would be a good idea. But it's not on the menu, so he asked the waitress. She confirmed that yes, they could do bacon and eggs, or french toast... no problem. So he ordered two eggs, over easy, bacon, and toast.

5 minutes later, she came out to announce that they can't do eggs over easy - only scrambled. Is it because they're bottled eggs or something? No, the kitchen just won't do eggs other than scrambled. Ok, Chuck is willing to work with that. 5 minutes after that, she comes out to announce that actually, they can't do breakfast AT ALL - that's only for the weekends. Chuck decides that he'll just enjoy his diet coke, thanks.

10 minutes later, our meals arrive. Newton is sitting next to me, and he has ordered a "Big Louie Burger". This is a burger with lettuce, tomatoes, BACON, and a FRIED EGG on top.

Chuck's eyes almost bugged out of his head: GOD DAMN IT he yells! "So I got to order a Big Louie Burger, hold the burger, lettuce, tomato, and bun, and THEN I can get eggs and bacon? THIS IS INSANE. This place is CORRUPT".

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