Wednesday, June 28, 2006

So.... sore....

Today was "launch day" at the health club that I work out at. That means they got all new workout routines (that they've been training on for weeks) - all new music, new steps, everything.

Launch day is special because they have ALL of the trainers running around teaching people the new moves, which is a great way to get acclimated to the new routines. So I decided to REALLY participate.

Today at 6am, I started with the Weights program "BodyPump". There were 15 of us, and I was by far the most awake. I felt great afterward and rewarded myself with a smoothie from Byerlys... then off to work by 7:30. I worked the full day, no ill effects, and then returned for BodySTEP at 4pm.

I almost died. Having two full hour, no breaks workouts in one day was just a bit much. I did everything, yes. But I also was definitely feeling some burn from this morning, particularly in my legs... so I was not jumping QUITE as high as I would expect. And now the combo of the early morning and the extra exercise has my eyelids heavy like lead. I'm going to sleep VERY well tonight.

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