Sunday, June 25, 2006


I've been thinking about pictures a lot these days: Putting Grandma Kenning's photo album together started it, losing Pamela's computer and having to re-import 17,000 pictures continued it, and thinking about my 20 year high school reunion has cemented it. One of the Reunion chairs wrote asking for pictures of ourselves from back in HS...

I'm looking at the pictures I have of myself... and realize I actually have almost NO pictures of myself from 1982-1990 - from age 14-22 I may not have actually existed, as far as celluloid can tell. Here's some of the things I have no record of:

Any pictures of me on stage with a band. Any pictures of me with anyone I dated back then. Any pictures of me in a non-holiday context.

Around 1990, I start to find pictures again: Me with a band. Me with Pamela, me at a party... Before 1982, there are pictures of me at Camp... but not many. You need to go back to my early childhood to get pictures of me.

Part of this is the cost of film. Part of this was that I was a VERY geeky/gawky adolescent and shunned photography. Part of this is that when we took family trips, we DREW our adventures in a big book - we didn't take photographs.

There is one record of me through this time - school/college pictures. One a year, and all of them very awkward. My senior HS picture is so laughably bad - I had an ARGYLE VEST on. Come on. They should have said something like "kid, lose the vest". But no.

So back to the Reunion - I'm afraid I really don't have any pictures to share! Maybe someone else took pictures of me, but I don't have 'em.

Compare to the first 3.5 years of Bella's life: Over 8000 photographs on my hard drive include that binks in them. Digital media is cheap, I can take dozens of pictures and never consider the cost... And as a bonus, MY life is finally documented as well!

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