Sunday, June 04, 2006

Why Chicago, anyway?

With so much going on in my work life, you may be forgiven for asking "why are you in Chicago for a long weekend, and wasn't Memorial Day already a long weekend LAST week?  What's GOING ON?"

It all started with our good friends the Ks.  Bailey and Ty, the 14 year old twins who I have known since birth are about to become high-school freshmen...  so we decided to go down and join their graduation (from Jr High) party.  They had no idea, and we got GREAT surprised looks from them.  Also, they had a moonwalk, and I suspect I would have made the drive for any excuse involving a moonwalk, really.

Backing up, we split the drive into two parts - staying Friday night in the Wisconsin Dells.  Our minds were BLOWN.  The Dells is just insane - like some sort of wholesome Vegas.  All I needed to know about the place was covered in the following scene:  At Starbucks on Sat AM, I watched a high school girl in pajamas order an iced latte with 4 pumps Vanilla, 4 pumps Coconut, and 6 sugars.  Dang.

Fast forward to Today:  Last Month was Pamela's Mom's 60th B-Day.  We didn't celebrate properly at the time, so we took this trip as a chance to rectify the issue.  We took her to downtown Chicago, and we had High Tea at the Peninsula Hotel.  I can't even start to talk about it.  I'll have to do a second posting on this.  

We hadn't visited the Peninsula since our extended stay 4 years ago at the end of our disasterous year of in-vitro fertilization, when we decided to adopt.  It was actually very wonderful to sit in that place again WITH our Bella.  Thinking that we really "conceived" her in that very place!  

More on the trip coming tomorrow! 

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