Saturday, April 07, 2007

busy and better

Full house around here: Papabam are in town - they have our bedroom. Bella is squealing with delight at all of the Papa projects, and the two of them have been great cohorts. Only this afternoon did her attention begin to fade, and she ran off to play with a kid her (physical) age for a while... we'll see when we hear from her again!

Cary and Laurie, the couple from Chicago who Pamela and Madge (busybodies extraordinaire) may have found a baby to adopt are staying on our 3rd floor - their baby-to-be should be delivered today or tomorrow. They're sweet people and very excited to be possible parents. They're out this afternoon seeing the sights for a while.

Nick and Rich came over last night for a boy's night, which Cary joined (Papa was welcome, but he got sleepy - too much frolicking with Bella) - where we watched one episode of Heroes and Casino Royale (BEST BOND EVER). We didn't get all fetishistic with the scotch this time, but I did pull out an old favorite to share. It didn't seem right to watch Bond without SOME libation.

(and yes, that meant that last night the house was TRULY full)

If you're keeping count, that means Pamela and I are on inflatable beds on Bella's floor. But it's worth it for family and friends.

I'm feeling much better now, though the sore throat does linger a little. Quick tip for any with sore throats out there: V8 juice is NOT soothing. I found that out, thought I'd share.

In spite of the illness, I managed to finish the formatted content for the third book this week, and it's being reviewed and enhanced by my co-conspirator as he vacations with his family someplace where they have a beach and temperatures above 30f. The weather here is brutally nippy. I think I might be able to have a proof of this one by next week. I'm trying to hustle to get 3 books into a gift basket for a church auction in 2 weeks. IT CAN HAPPEN.

Finally, the other night I picked a month from the right column on the Blog to see where my head was at back in Sept 2006... boy, what a crazy month that was. I need to go back and read my previous blogs more often - it reminded me of a lot.

It's sort of like journaling, but public, so I don't say things like "Gareth is really bugging me today, as he does every day" - it keeps me focused on the positive, the amusing, and the creative... and that's not a bad place to be.

Hope everyone has a great Easter!

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