Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Reunion part one

This will need to be a few posts... as I process the whole 20-year highschool reunion thing. It was last night at the Depot in downtown, a nice hotel-ish space. I took the bus down (so that drinking wouldn't be an issue). I also bussed back, though mostly because a bus came along at just the right time. My feet are killing me: My fashion choice was skinny pants, fitted shirt, and italian boots, which looked the business, but did not offer support for 5 blocks of walking and a full night of standing.

Right off the bat: Saw Jeaner my oldest friend right away. We had been best friends through 8th grade, and drifted from there... culminating in a little bit of a tiff when we were in the runoff for senior class president, and I won. I saw her once 2 years after HS, and not since. We started emailing based on a tip from a mutual friend, and I was very happy to hear she was coming to the reunion!

We were buddies throughout the reunion - we both had so many people to catch up with, but we checked in frequently, and she saved me a spot at her table. She'll be coming back into town occasionally in the future, and I'll be having her over when she comes next.

The President tiff was mentioned by some of Jeaner's best buddies - who flat out said I shouldn't have won... and in the spirit of conciliation, I agreed, and said that in truth, I just ran an outsider campaign to shake things up, and that I was as surprised as anyone that I actually DID. Jeaner looked pained that it was even being brought up... that's really not any blood between us anymore!

The dynamic at the reunion was interesting: There were lots of clumps of people who weren't really cliquish, but they were re-gravitating to their high school buddies. And since I was the outsider back then, I was the butterfly going between the groups, checking in with everyone!

One more little story: I was chatting with a guy who honesty I didn't remember that well, and he mentioned that he runs Zelo, a restaurant in Downtown that I love. So I told him about my love for his place, and he said "I know - you love the Lasagne, you're mostly at lunch, sometimes alone with a book, sometimes with a friend - you're a great customer!" I asked him why he hadn't dropped by to say hi - he said he's usually busy, but next time, he'll definitely say hi! But it's interesting to know when you've been "noticed", eh?

More stories as they come to me.

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